SC Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme
Pending Scholarship Payment
Pending Scholarship Payment
Non-seeding/linking of Aadhaar with bank account under SC (Pre-Matric & Post-Matric) Scholarship Schemes, 2022-23.
Unsuccessful Scholarship Transaction
PFMS validation Fail
e-disbursement of scholarship
Unsuccessful scholarship transaction.
e-disbursement of scholarship
Bank Account Validation failed on PFMS
Bank Validation failed on PFMS
1st Phase Scholarship Disbursement.
Final Student List for award of SC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2020-21.
Tentative eligible student list.
Unsuccessful Scholarship Transaction
PFMS validation Fail
Unsuccessful Scholarship Transaction (Phase 1 & Phase 3)
Student who have not submitted their bank account details under PFMS Validation Failed category for the year 2019-20
e-Disbursement (PFMS-2nd Batch)
Bank Account Validation fail on PFMS
Duplicate scholarship with Minority Scholarship Scheme, 2019-20 of the Directorate of Minority Affairs, Government of Manipur
e-disbursement (2019-20)
Tentative eligible list of SC students for award of SC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2019-20
Unsuccessful Scholarship Transaction
Reminder to remaining 77 students out of 180 students (Bank Reject Phase-I-180 stds.)
Unsuccessful transaction (1st Phase) of SC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2018-19
E-disbursement of SC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2018-19
No. A/1/2018-OBC&SC(PMS-SC): It is hereby notified that 125 students (list provided below) have applied the SC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2018-19 as Hosteler and they have failed to provide the Hostel Certificate duly countersigned by concerned Head of Institute. Now, this Directorate has decided to consider their scholarship application under day scholar category in the larger interest of the students.
Eligible list of SC Post-Matric Scholarship for the year 2018-19
No. A/1/2018-OBC&SC(PMS-SC)/201: This is for information to the remaining 57 (fifty-seven) out of 178 (One hundred Seventy-eight) students notified as unsuccessful transaction under Post-Matric Scholarship for the year, 2017-18 vide this Directorate’s Notification of even no. dated 2nd January, 2019 that the last date for submission of bank passbook/cancelled cheque along with academic identity card is fixed on 29th June, 2019. Complaints/claims received after the last date will not be entertained.
Click Here for remaining unsuccessful transaction Student list under SC Post-Matric, 2017-18.